
Visit Us
Anvil Arts is committed to making sure everyone’s needs are met in order to enjoy the best possible experience.

Please contact the box office for more information -

Anvil Arts Brochure

The events brochure is available in large print, Braille, and other formats upon request.

Access List

Anvil Arts operates an Access List in order to improve our service to patrons with access needs. The information you give us will help find you appropriate seats and save you time when you book in future. Wheelchair positions and any available disabled concessions will only be available to those on the Access List. You can join by downloading the registration form.

Booking Tickets

For booking tickets in person, there is level access to The Anvil and The Haymarket. Box office counters have drop-down or lowered sections for wheelchair users. A hearing assistance system (fixed loop) is in place.

Concessions: Registered patrons on the Access List are entitled to an adult concession price ticket at performances where available.

If you require continual supervision or assistance during your visit you may be eligible for a discounted Essential Carer ticket. The companion must be able to help the disabled person access the theatre and its facilities, remaining with them to ensure their wellbeing and comfort. Essential carer tickets (for adults aged 16 and over) cost one third of the full ticket price (rounded down to the nearest 25p).

Wheelchair Users

There are up to six wheelchair spaces available in The Anvil, and one in The Forge. The Haymarket has up to two wheelchair spaces at stalls level, reached via a lift. We cannot sell wheelchair spaces or allow transfers out of wheelchairs into seats in the Circle at The Anvil.

Emergency evacuation from Haymarket wheelchair positions is via an emergency lift or evacuchair. Personal emergency evacuation plans can be made available upon request.

Hearing Enhancement

The Anvil and The Haymarket are equipped with infra-red hearing enhancement systems for use with headsets, or portable induction loops. Both are available from the stewards' point.

Assistance Dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome; please discuss suitability of seating areas at the time of booking.

Familiarisation Visits

If you would like to look at the venues in advance, please call the box office to arrange.

Relaxed Performances

We are delighted to present performances of our pantomime and other select productions for those on the autistic spectrum and with other disabilities. Find out more about Relaxed Performances


Anvil Arts is committed to Environmental Sustainability

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