Join the Friends

Individual Giving

Friends of Anvil Arts enjoy:

  • Priority booking
  • Advance information / season brochure
  • Free postage
  • No exchange or reprinting charges
  • Exclusive ticket and local restaurant / business offers
  • Occasional offers for local businesses
  • International Concert Series brochure sent in advance (Platinum)
  • Standby concert series tickets (Platinum)

Silver Level £30
Platinum Level £50

Become a member today

and enjoy all the above benefits
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Exclusive offers for Anvil Arts Friends

If you would like a pre- or post-show meal, you'll find plenty of restaurants a short walk away. Have a look at what's on offer in Festival Place shopping centre or Top of Town.

Or maybe a visit to the hair salon before a show is more your thing?

Try one of the deals below, exclusive to Anvil Arts Friends. Simply present proof of your Friends Membership status (such as an email confirmation) when claiming.

0 Stars

I can't speak too highly of all aspects of Anvil Arts – a wonderfully wide range of entertainment

0 Stars

We can't believe our good fortune to have The Anvil so close to home, and with such terrific concerts

0 Stars

The current season of plays at The Haymarket has been absolutely fantastic

30,000 local children and young people perform on our stages each year

Find out all the ways we engage with our local schools to deliver musical and cultural education
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