Stephen Scotchmer
Stephen studied Music at Bristol University and conducting with Arthur Davison. During his many years as musical director of the Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra he has conducted much of the standard repertoire both orchestral and choral, including performances of all the Beethoven and Brahms symphonies, A Child of our Time and Verdi’s Requiem. He has had the privilege of working with some of Britain’s finest musicians such as Lesley Garrett, Kathryn Stott, Anthony Marwood, Martin Roscoe, James Lisney, Natalie Clein and Martino Tirimo.
As a composer, Stephen has written a large body of work covering many different genres. His style is predominantly tonal and the compositional techniques he employs are traditional. He is more interested in manipulating the various musical elements that control perceived expression in music than in exploring sound as a science.